Since you can't have carbs doesn't imply that you can't have a sandwich! Egg whites that are beaten solid then, at that point, painstakingly cooked in a nonstick dish make an extraordinary replacement for a wrap. This additionally has the additional advantage of adding to the protein of the feast without utilizing any starch stipend.
- 17 g egg whites, whipped into solid pinnacles
- 15 g chicken bosom, cooked, hacked, or destroyed
- 15.5 g mayonnaise, Hellmann's
- 5 g olive oil
- 12 g celery, crude, slashed little
- salt/pepper
- 10 g butterhead lettuce
- 11 g green olives, packaged
- 50 g 40% weighty cream
- 50 g almond milk, Blue Diamond, unsweetened vanilla
Join the chicken bosom, celery, mayonnaise, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Blend well to join. The more finely you slash or shred the chicken, the better it will clutch the fat. Put the lettuce leaf on the egg-white wrap, and add the chicken plate of mixed greens, trying to scratch the bowl well and roll into a wrap. Present with the olives as an afterthought. Blend the cream and the almond milk together and act as a refreshment.
Takes note of This formula can undoubtedly be changed over into a fish salad wrap by supplanting the chicken with canned fish (should be determined).